天使能量蜡烛 - 滋养与繁荣




天使: 请留意时钟上的 11 点 11 分,届时您会发现融化的蜡中露出了天使水晶。



First things first, strip me bare – Remove all of my gems and accessories before we get started.

I love a two hour session – Allow me to melt to the edges of the jar before blowing me out, this will keep me even and on point each time.

I'm a clean cut kinda wick – I'm not a fan of the mushroom cut, keep me trimmed and sleek before re-lighting and my smoke will burn clean.

I hate being left alone – Although I love a 2 hour session, 3 hours is my max. Please don't forget about me or leave me unattended.

I'm a passionate greenie – Clean me up when 1-1.5cm of wax remains and I'll be yours forever. If you wish to part ways, please recycle me.

ABOUT Cleanse & Co.

Cleanse & Co. 旨在通过产品和实践帮助您与更高的自我保持一致,重新联系、治愈并激励您发现真正的自己——被爱的、有价值的和完整的。他们相信,通过这样做,你会获得勇气,并知道你能够实现你下定决心的任何事情,实现你的人生目标。借助意图、视角和大自然的神奇水晶和精油的力量,Cleanse & Co.抑制了对现代和简化方法的古老信念。