Self & Others

上升与复位 – 表现水晶蜡烛

£32.00 £25.00 保存22%

可以在Self & Others - Wimbledon取货

通常在 2-4 天内就绪


Meet Rise & Reset - our 2024 manifestation crystal candle. These are a limited run so when they are gone, they are gone! 🏃‍♀️💨

I've teamed up with the O.G. crystal candle creator,@cleanseandco, and created the perfect manifestation crystal candle and ritual for you!

I chose the name Rise & Reset for this ritual candle as an invitation to reset your intentions and goals for the New Year and to rise up, like the sun, and shed light on the dreams and desires you've nurtured in the quiet corners of your heart, bringing them into reality. No more hiding them in the dark!

Topped with 3 crystals – orange calcite, pyrite and clear quartz – they are perfect to support your manifesting. I've also included a ritual card you can use that will walk you through my own personal manifestation ritual.

I hope you love it and here's to a 2024 filled with health, success and happiness!

Much love,


开启你的 2024 年 配有我们限量版的 Rise & Reset 表现水晶注入香薰蜡烛。

每一颗水晶都经过 专门选择来支持您的 显化仪式。

  • 橙色方解石 散发着温暖、正能量,就像心灵的一缕阳光。其充满活力的橙色色调激发创造力和欢乐,是成功表现的基本要素。这块石头擅长消除障碍并打开能量流动的途径,确保您的意图不会因自我怀疑而受到阻碍。橙色方解石是灵感和动力的灯塔,对于那些寻求新机会和个人成长的人来说是一个绝佳的选择。
  • 黄铁矿 是一块闪烁着丰沛和决心的石头。它的金色光泽象征着太阳的辐射能量,为您的显化之旅注入自信和自信。黄铁矿的根基能量有助于将雄心转化为行动,使其成为繁荣和成功的磁石。通过鼓励丰富和坚持的心态,黄铁矿是体现财富、职业进步或任何需要增强决心的目标的完美伴侣。
  • 透明石英 是一颗清晰而放大的水晶。它的透明度捕捉到了纯粹光的核心,提供了与更高意识的直接联系。这种水晶是一个强大的盟友,就像宇宙天线一样,可以调谐到您最深的意图和欲望。透明石英通过协调和放大能量,将思想转化为有形的形式,使其成为设定意图和将梦想变为现实的不可或缺的工具。


开心果和香草麦芽 — 一种美味的奶油香味,含有香草和咸味开心果的甜味。怀旧的香味带您回到简单的夏日海滩。


First things first, strip me bare – Remove all of my gems and accessories before we get started.

I love a two hour session – Allow me to melt to the edges of the jar before blowing me out, this will keep me even and on point each time.

I'm a clean cut kinda wick – I'm not a fan of the mushroom cut, keep me trimmed and sleek before re-lighting and my smoke will burn clean.

I hate being left alone – Although I love a 2 hour session, 3 hours is my max. Please don't forget about me or leave me unattended.

I'm a passionate greenie – Clean me up when 1-1.5cm of wax remains and I'll be yours forever. If you wish to part ways, please recycle me.