
Our library of gemstones with information about how these crystals and gemstones can support you.

Scolecite – Meaning, Uses and Healing Properties

Scolecite promotes spiritual growth, inner peace, and relaxation. It enhances intuition, emotional healing, and connection to higher realms, making it a powerful tool for meditation.

Apophyllite – Meaning, Uses and Healing Properties

Apophyllite promotes clarity, spiritual growth, and calm. It enhances intuition and connection with higher realms, making it a powerful tool for meditation and healing.

Labradorite – Meaning, Uses and Healing Properties

Labradorite enhances intuition, spiritual growth, and protection. Its transformative energy helps with personal growth and shields against negativity while boosting confidence.

Sunstone – Meaning, Uses and Healing Properties

Sunstone promotes joy, confidence, and personal empowerment. It dispels negativity, encourages optimism, and helps manifest success and creativity with vibrant energy.

Galena – Meaning, Uses and Healing Properties

Galena provides grounding, protection, and transformation, helping you release old patterns and embrace new growth. It promotes strength, clarity, and resilience in difficult times.

粉红岩盐 – 意义、用途和治疗特性

欢迎来到粉石盐的迷人王国!这种令人惊叹的水晶以其精致的粉红色调和卓越的治疗功效俘获了水晶爱好者和形而上学实践者的心。 什么是粉石盐? 粉红石盐由氯化钠 (NaCl) 组成,是一种独特的石盐品种,其引人注目的颜色归因于杂质的存在。与更常见的白色石盐不同,粉红色岩盐含有微量的赤铁矿、钾或其他矿物质,这些矿物质为晶体注入了诱人的粉红色调。这种精致的色彩使其成为任何水晶系列的精美点缀,营造出宁静而美丽的氛围。

红宝石 – 意义、用途和治疗功效

Ruby ignites passion, vitality, and courage while promoting emotional balance and love. Its energising properties boost confidence, motivation, and personal empowerment.

天河石 – 意义、用途和治疗特性

Amazonite promotes emotional balance, courage, and clear communication. It soothes stress, encourages honesty, and fosters harmony in relationships with calm and clarity.
